How to Add INCRMNTAL as a Partner with Tenjin ?

This article explains how to stream data from Tenjin to INCRMNTAL

To access and pull data from Tenjin, you’ll first need to create a dedicated user (with Read-Only access), for us to access your Tenjin board through:

  1. Under the main menu in Tenjin, click Manage Organization.
  2. To add another user, add their name, email address and select permission type “Read Only”.

Note: We suggest to create a user under your company domain, e.g., and send us the invitation and credentials to Tenjin to accept.

3.  Please share the Tenjin API Access Token with or your POC. To access the token:
    1. Log in with the new user credentials to Tenjin.
    2. Find the user’s access token
      You can view a user’s access tokens by clicking the ‘Access Tokens’ button under ‘Manage Organization’. You will then be taken to a page that lists all the user’s access tokens. Share the user credentials and access token with INCRMTNAL to access your Tenjin dashboard.

For further questions, you can read the Tenjin documentation on how to invite new users to your Tenjin dashboard.


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