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Platform Tutorials
Activity Detection
Platform Tutorials
Account Management
Getting Started with INCRMNTAL
Using the Platform
FAQ - Getting Started
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Platform Tutorials
Learn everything on your dashboard - From the dashboard's functionalities and management, to measuring incrementality and drawing actionable insights
Account Management
User Management
How to unblock your account ?
Getting Started with INCRMNTAL
Welcome to INCRMNTAL - Navigation
What is the Performance Map (Main Dashboard)?
What's the INCRMNTAL Explorer Dashboard ?
What is Week-Over-Week Heatmap?
What is the Comparison View Dashboard?
What is Contribution (and why is it different from Attribution)
What's the Marginal Value?
How to make decisions with INCRMNTAL Explorer
How to validate your data ?
Understanding the Results Page
See more
Using the Platform
Recommendations on Results: What is it, and how to use it to your advantage
Cross-Platform capabilities in INCRMNTAL Explorer
Why don’t I see all changes in the platform?
FAQ - Getting Started
Why do my conversions appear as 0 in the platform, and are all "organic"?
I have cohorted KPIs on my account. Why is my revenue appearing as 0?
How does the platform determine changes in spend?
I can't find an activity I want to measure. What to do?
I'm filtered to a specific channel. Why can't I see my conversions?
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