This article explains what are the "go to" things you should you be measuring using INCRMNTAL.
Your INCRMNTAL dashboard, by nature, is full of marketing changes you make on a daily basis in your paid marketing activities - Across all countries, platforms, channels, and campaigns (these are excluding external activities that impact your marketing performance: Promotions, Tech issues, Holidays, etc...)
We wanted to share with you what are the "go to" recommended marketing activities you might want to measure (and how) to leverage our platform.
Tip: You don't need to only measure "tests" you've done. You can also use INCRMNTAL to measure operational changes in your marketing activities, giving you ideas for tests you may want to do to improve your overall marketing performance.
What should I measure first ?
Starting a new channel / campaign would be our "go to". If you started a new channel, and are spending marketing dollars on it - you would really want to know that those dollars are translating to incremental results.
Those would be the first thing we might be interested to measure. To do so, we can filter the board for a specific campaign you’re looking to measure, or filter the board based on all opened or stopped campaigns:
Simply do so by clicking the activity type below the dashboard. This will present all new/restarted activities (given the other filters applied on your board).You can also filter the granularity of changes (channel/campaign/adgroup), like so:
What else should I measure ?
You know your marketing activities best, but when you have multiple channels, campaigns and so on - you can easily be lost in activities.
Using the platform you can filter the dashboard based on a channel, campaign, market (OS and Country), and date you like, and review the made changes on the market.
What we would always suggest measuring first would be the most significant changes.
For example, when looking at the dashboard of this customer - we see many marketing activities to choose from.
One way would be to use the Suggested Activities filter, to indicate the most significant changes in spend:
Another way would be by using the data available on the platform and filtering towards the most significant channels, allows us to see a very significant change that we would like to measure (for instance, the increase in Youtube here on 19/11/2023):
In this case, we’d measure the increases on 4/11/2023, the increase on 19/11/2023 and the one on 26/11/2023.
Reminder: Our measurements will consider all changes on the measured entity within the two weeks since the measured change. Hence, we'd advise to measure changes on each entity every 8-10 days since the beginning of the relevant period.
Big budget decreases or increases
First, we want to filter the board based on those changes we want to measure. You can do this in one of two ways -
Using the Advanced Filters
By clicking the funnel sign () , you’ll be able to filter activities on the board based on the activity and the size of change (based on % of change or amount of spend). Don’t forget to click ‘apply’ once set to filter the dashboard!
For example, filtering the board based on budget increases that are bigger than 100 USD will look like this:
Existing filters will also apply while adding the Activities filter.
Once choosing a change you’d like to measure, you can click the change and choose ‘filter’ - This will filter the board based on the specific change’s entity.
You can also filter for a specific market, filter activities per channel, and investigate the significant changes across campaigns or channels per market.
To interpret results - we recommend that you follow this article: Understanding the Results Page
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